Grant and Investment Consulting
Grant can be considered as the amount of money, which You can receive for Your own idea or project. Grant is non-reapeable and irretrievable issue that can be given only for the best projects. It works under conditions, which are established by the grantor.
In order to receive a grant or funding for project, there is not enough to have only an idea, important role is played by understanding of grant and investment procedures, which require quite meticulously, precise approach for preparation of documents and going through all needed stages.
If you have an idea, but in a given period you have difficulties in finding ways and resources for its implementation, then our company provides a full range of services associated to search, preparation of projects, support and monitoring during the implementation, preparation of reports of results of completed projects. Our experts, who have a high level of expertise in grant and investment projects, will help You successfully implement Your ideas!
Consultancy in grant and investment programs and projects of Ukraine, CIS, EU, USA, Canada, and other countries and international organizations:
- Search and analysis of grant and investment programs and projects in accordance with the request made by the Client;
- Preparation of a full package of project documentations: application, description and project of budget in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages;
- Maintenance of projects at all stages of their implementation (support and monitoring);
- Reporting after project implementation.
We have a huge experience with such grant programs and investment projects:
- Grant programs introduced by President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Grant program of the European Commission
- Grant programs introduced by United Nations Human Rights
- Grant programs introduced by United Nations Development Programme
- Grant programs introduced by IF «Benaissance» (МФ "Відродження")
- Grant programs introduced by DFATD
- Grant programs introduced by Embassy of Japan in Ukraine
- Grant programs introduced by Embassy of the USA in Ukraine
- Grant programs introduced by The Nippon Foundation
- Ecological grants introduced by "TOYOTA"
- International competitions of investment projects
In addition, we also do searching for targeted funding for specific projects at the national and international levels.